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来源:大气科学系 | 作者:刘海龙 | 发布日期:2024-03-11 15:09:54 


研究方向:海气 / 海冰气相互作用,海洋上层过程及其在气候系统中的作用    

邮       箱:hailong.liu@ynu.edu.cn

Hailong Liu                             

Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yunnan University



Postdocs and graduate students are welcome to join our group. If you are interested, please contact me by email.    







Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, Physical Oceanography (2009)    

M.S., Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physical Oceanography (2002)    

B.S., Ocean University of Qingdao, Oceanography (1999)    







Work Experience

2024-Present, Professor, Yunnan University    

2022-2023, Tenured Associate Professor/Special Scientist, Shanghai Jiaotong University    

2015-2021, Special Scientist/Tenure Track Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University    

2009- 2015, Postdoctoral Associate (2009-2012) / Senior Research Associate (2012-2015), RSMAS/CIMAS, University of Miami and NOAA/AOML


Research Interests

Oceanic Mixed Layer Properties and Upper Ocean Dynamics

Air-Sea/Air-Sea-Ice Interaction and Climate Variability

Numerical Modeling of Ocean (Coupled) General Circulation


Research Project

as Pincipal Investigator    

Deep Blue Grant of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2022-2024)    

Sino-German Mobility Programme (2021-2024)    

Grant from the Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai (2020)    

Grant of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2018-2021)    

Open Financial Grant from Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling of Tsinghua University (2017)    

Open Financial Grant from Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM2016ORP0101) (2017-2020)    

National Key Research & Development Plan Sub-Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFA0601804) (2016-2021)    

Grant of Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (16ZR1416200) (2016-2019)    

University of Miami SEEDS Program (2014)    


as Collaborator    

National Science Foundation (2004-2009), NOAA-MAPP Projects (2009-2012, 2012-2015), National Key Research & Development Plan Sub-Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2024-2028)    


Recent Publications

Shi Y., H. Liu* and Q. Zheng, 2024: Influence of Mixed Layer Depth on Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Southern Ocean. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (accepted)    

Ma X. and H. Liu*, 2024: Role of Salinity Barrier Layers and Westerly Wind Anomalies on Atlantic Niño Events. Geophysical Research Letters    

Heuzé, C.* and H. Liu, 2024: No emergence of deep convection in the Arctic Ocean across CMIP6 models. Geophysical Research Letters    

Wei G., H. Liu*, and L. Cai, 2024: The Oceanic Mixed Layer Changes along with the State Transition of the Beaufort Gyre. Dynamics of the Atmosphers and Oceans    

Zheng, L and H. Liu*, 2024: Interaction between Arctic sea ice and CP El Niño events. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica (in Chinese, accepted)    

Huang C, H. Liu*, H. Li, J. Zuo, and R. Wang, 2023: Combined Effects of ENSO and PDO on Activity of Major Hurricanes in the Eastern North Pacific. Climate Dynamics.    

Shi Y.H. Liu*, X. Wang, and Q. Zheng, 2023: Responses of the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Depth to Two-type El Niño Events during Austral Winter. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (accepted)    

Yang Y., and H. Liu*, 2023: Characteristics Analysis of Antarctic Sea Ice Rapid Decline Events. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica (in Chinese).    

Yang Y., H. Liu*, X. Wang, 2023: Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Antarctic Sea Ice and the Causes of its Record Decline During 2015-2016: A Review. Advances in Polar Science.    

Ma, X., H. Liu* and X. Wang, 2022: Interannual Variability of Barrier Layer in the Tropical Atlantic and Its Relationship with the Tropical Atlantic Modes. Journal of Physical Oceanography.    

Gong X., H. Liu*, F. Wang, and C. Heuze, 2022: Of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the CMIP6 projects. Deep Sea Research II.    

Huang, C., H. Liu*, X. Wang, H. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Zuo and R. Wang, 2022: PDO Modulation on the Relationship between ENSO and Typhoon Tracks. Journal of Climate.    

Liu, H., Z. Song*, X. Wang and V. Misra, 2022: An Ocean Perspective on CMIP6 Climate Model Evaluations. Deep Sea Research II.    

Zheng, S., H. Liu* and X. Wang, 2022: A Robust Mode of the Winter Oceanic Mixed Layer Depth in the North Pacific. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans.    

*corresponding author    



Physical Oceanography    

Air-sea Interaction    


Software copyright registration and Patent    

Patent: H.Liu and F. Wang: An Initialization Method and Decadal Climate Forecast System (approved in Aug 2022)


Part-time Academic Job

Associate Editor for Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans    

Editorial Board Member for Deep Sea Research Part II    

AGU Honor and Recognition Committee (2020-2023)    



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